Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am thankful for my friends....and there have been many... Some have no doubt been sent directly to me by God and there are others that I have no doubt, that God sent me to them.  So many years, so many memories, so many oportunities...
Today I want to thank God for my very first BFF; but back in the 1950's & 60's we still called them "best friend". Mollie McGowan was such a friend. We met in the seventh grade and we inseperable until I graduated from High School and life took me in a different direction. Some of you that are my age may remember the movie "Snowfire"; well, Mollie had the leading role in that movie as well as others during the late 50's. However, during a swim meet at Hollywood High, she fell and hurt her was at that time that we all discovered that she had cancer....Mollie died when she was only 19.....
Mollie taught me a lot about being thankful for my family. She, came from a very wealthy family; in contrast, my family was more or less middle class.  I learned from Mollie that family relationships were so much more valuable than any thing that money could buy. I learned from Mollie that no matter what happens, faith and trust n God can cause a person to overcome; losing a leg and being able to ride her horse again was a real test and she passed with flying colors... I learned from Mollie how to be brave....all the way to the end...

So, today, I am thankful for Mollie BFF...
See Ya Later My Friend.....

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